How to solve the “Instagram not sending SMS code” error?

How to solve the “Instagram not sending SMS code” error?

Are you trying to log into your Instagram account but you are not receiving the SMS code on your phone? You are not alone. Many Instagram users have faced “Instagram not sending SMS code” error at some point. The SMS code is a security feature that Instagram uses to verify your identity and protect your…

Does Instagram Notify When you Screenshot a Story or Post?‍

Does Instagram Notify When you Screenshot a Story or Post?‍

Have you ever wanted to screenshot an Instagram post or story that caught your eye? There are times when we all want to screenshot our crush’s story or a meme someone shared on their Instagram wall but cannot do it because we are scared and wonder if Instagram will notify if we screenshot a story….

What Does The Green Following Mean On Instagram?

What Does The Green Following Mean On Instagram?

Have you ever noticed a green following button on someone’s Instagram profile? Do you wonder what it means and how to get it? If yes, then you are not alone. Many Instagram users are curious about this mysterious feature and what it signifies. This article will explain everything you need to know about the green…

What Does Instagram User Mean – Deactivated Or Blocked?

What Does Instagram User Mean – Deactivated Or Blocked?

Have you ever stumbled upon a profile or a message that says “Instagram User” instead of a username or a name? If so, you might be wondering what does Instagram user means and why it happen. Is the account deleted, deactivated, or banned? Or have you been blocked by the user? In this article, we…