
How Does Instagram Sort Story Viewers?‍

Have you ever wondered how Instagram decides who to show on your story viewers list? Do you think it has something to do with how much they like you, stalk you, or interact with you? If you are curious about the Instagram story viewer order, then this article is for you.

In this article, we will explain what are Instagram stories, how Instagram sorts story viewers based on recentness and engagement, what are some outside interactions may affect the order, and what are some common myths and misconceptions about the Instagram story view order.

We will also answer some frequently asked questions and give you some tips on how to use an Instagram bot to boost your story views and engagement.

Read on to find out the secrets behind the Instagram story viewer order and how you can use it to your advantage.

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What Are Instagram Stories?

green circle around instagram story

Instagram stories are short, ephemeral posts that disappear after 24 hours. They are a great way to share your daily moments, behind-the-scenes, and other content that you don’t want to keep on your permanent feed.

You can also add stickers, filters, music, polls, quizzes, and other interactive elements to your stories to make them more fun and engaging.

Instagram stories are also a great way to see who is interested in your content and who is watching your stories. You can see the number of views and the names of the viewers by swiping up on your story. However, you may notice that the order of the viewers is not always the same.

Sometimes, the same person is always at the top, sometimes they are at the bottom, and sometimes they are somewhere in the middle. How does Instagram sort story viewers and what does it mean?

Recency vs. Engagement

The instagram story viewer order is based on two main factors: recency and engagement. Recency means how recently someone viewed your story, and engagement means how much someone interacts with your account, such as liking, commenting, DMing, etc.

According to Instagram, the order of story viewers is determined by a combination of these two factors, with recency being the most important one. This means that the first person on your list is the most recent viewer, and the last person is the least recent viewer.

However, this does not mean that the order is strictly chronological. Instagram also takes into account the level of engagement between you and the viewer, and may rank them higher or lower depending on how often you interact with each other.

For example, if you have a close friend who always likes and comments on your posts, and also views your stories frequently, they may appear higher on your list than someone who just viewed your story once and never interacted with you.

On the other hand, if you have a follower who rarely views your stories, but recently viewed one of them, they may appear lower on your list than someone who views your stories more often, but not as recently.

Outside Interactions

Besides recency and engagement, there are some outside interactions that may also affect the instagram story viewer order. These are the actions that you or the viewer take outside of Instagram, such as visiting their profile, searching for their name, or following or unfollowing them.

For example, if you visit someone’s profile, search for their name, or follow or unfollow them, Instagram may interpret this as a sign of interest or curiosity, and may rank them higher on your list. Similarly, if the viewer does the same to you, Instagram may rank you higher on their list.

This is because Instagram wants to show you the content and the people that you are most likely to engage with, and these outside interactions are indicators of your preferences and behavior.

However, these outside interactions are not as important as recency and engagement, and they may not always affect the order. They are just one of the many factors that Instagram considers when sorting story viewers, and they may vary depending on the situation and the algorithm.

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Instagram Story View Order Myths

There are some common myths and misconceptions about the instagram story viewer order that are not true. Here are some of them and the truth behind them:

People at the top have viewed your story multiple times

Some people believe that the people at the top of your list have viewed your story multiple times, and that is why they are ranked higher. This is not true. Instagram does not count multiple views from the same person, and only shows the first time they viewed your story.

The people at the top are there because they viewed your story recently and/or have a high level of engagement with you, not because they viewed your story multiple times.

The people on top of the list are stalking you

Some people believe that the people on top of your list are stalking you, and that is why they are ranked higher. This is not true. Instagram does not rank story viewers based on how much they stalk you, and there is no way to tell if someone is stalking you or not.

The people on top of your list are there because they viewed your story recently and/or have a high level of engagement with you, not because they are stalking you.

Do Instagram Story View Orders Matter?

Some people wonder if the instagram story viewer order matters, and what does it mean for their relationships and interactions. The answer is: it depends. The instagram story viewer order is not a definitive or accurate measure of how much someone likes you, cares about you, or is interested in you.

It is just a reflection of how recently and how often they viewed your story and interacted with your account, which may or may not have anything to do with their feelings or intentions.

However, the instagram story viewer order can still be useful and informative in some ways. It can help you to see who is paying attention to your content, who is engaging with you, and who is showing interest or curiosity in you.

It can also help you to discover new accounts, reconnect with old friends, or start a conversation with someone. It can also give you some insights into your own behavior and preferences, and how you use Instagram.

Ultimately, the instagram story viewer order is just one of the many features that Instagram offers to enhance your experience and engagement on the platform. It is not a definitive or accurate measure of anything, and it should not be taken too seriously or personally.

It is just a tool that you can use to your advantage, or ignore if you don’t care.

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Can an Instagram Bot Help?

If you want to increase your story views and engagement, and improve your instagram story viewer order, you may wonder if an Instagram bot can help.

An Instagram bot is a software that automates some of the tasks and actions on Instagram, such as liking, commenting, following, unfollowing, DMing, etc.

It can help you to grow your account, reach more people, and get more exposure and engagement.

However, using an Instagram bot is not without risks and drawbacks. Instagram has a strict policy against bots and automation, and may detect and ban your account if you use them.

Bots can also damage your reputation and credibility, as they may spam, annoy, or offend other users, and make your account look fake and unauthentic.

Bots can also be costly, unreliable, and unsafe, as they may charge you a lot, malfunction, or expose your personal information.

Therefore, using an Instagram bot is not recommended, and you should be careful and cautious if you decide to use one. A better and safer way to increase your story views and engagement, and improve your instagram story viewer order, is to use organic and authentic methods, such as:

  • Posting high-quality, relevant, and engaging stories that your audience will love and respond to
  • Using hashtags, stickers, filters, music, polls, quizzes, and other interactive elements to make your stories more fun and attractive
  • Posting stories at the optimal times and frequencies for your audience and niche
  • Engaging with your viewers, such as replying to their messages, mentioning them, or shouting them out
  • Engaging with other accounts, such as viewing, liking, commenting, DMing, or following them
  • Collaborating with other accounts, such as doing shoutouts, takeovers, or partnerships
  • Promoting your stories on other platforms, such as your feed, your bio, your website, your email, or your other social media accounts

These methods are more effective, ethical, and sustainable than using an Instagram bot, and they will help you to grow your account, reach more people, and get more exposure and engagement.

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The Same Person Is Always at the Bottom of my Story Views – Why?

If you notice that the same person is always at the bottom of your story views, you may wonder why and what does it mean. There are a few possible reasons for this:

  • They viewed your story very late, and they are the least recent viewer
  • They have a very low level of engagement with you, and they are ranked lower than others
  • They have a very high level of engagement with you, and they are ranked lower than others

The first reason is the most obvious and common one. If someone viewed your story very late, after most of your other viewers, they will naturally be at the bottom of your list, as recency is the most important factor in the instagram story viewer order.

This does not mean anything special, and it is just a matter of timing.

The second reason is also possible, but less likely. If someone has a very low level of engagement with you, such as never liking, commenting, DMing, or interacting with you, they may be ranked lower


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about the instagram story viewer order:

Q: Can I see who viewed my story after 24 hours?

A: No, you cannot see who viewed your story after 24 hours, as the story and the viewers list will disappear. However, you can see the total number of views and impressions on your story insights, if you have a business or creator account.

Q: Can I hide my story from someone or see who hid their story from me?

A: Yes, you can hide your story from someone by going to your profile, tapping the menu icon, selecting Settings, Privacy, Story, and then choosing the people you want to hide your story from. You can also see who hid their story from you by going to their profile and checking if you can see their story ring or not.

Q: Can I see who screenshot my story or who I screenshot their story?

A: No, you cannot see who screenshot your story or who you screenshot their story, as Instagram does not notify or show this information to anyone. However, you can see who screenshot your disappearing photos or videos in a direct message, as Instagram will show a screenshot icon next to their name.

Q: Can I change the order of my story viewers or see the order of someone else’s story viewers?

A: No, you cannot change the order of your story viewers or see the order of someone else’s story viewers, as Instagram does not allow you to do this. The order of story viewers is determined by Instagram’s algorithm, and it is only visible to you and the person who posted the story.


The instagram story viewer order is one of the most intriguing and mysterious features of Instagram, as it reveals who is watching your stories and how Instagram ranks them. However, it is not a definitive or accurate measure of how much someone likes you, cares about you, or is interested in you. It is just a reflection of how recently and how often they viewed your story and interacted with your account, which may or may not have anything to do with their feelings or intentions.

Therefore, you should not take the instagram story viewer order too seriously or personally, and you should not base your relationships and interactions on it. It is just a tool that you can use to your advantage, or ignore if you don’t care.

The best way to increase your story views and engagement, and improve your instagram story viewer order, is to use organic and authentic methods, such as posting high-quality, relevant, and engaging stories, using interactive elements, posting at optimal times and frequencies, engaging with your viewers and other accounts, collaborating with other accounts, and promoting your stories on other platforms.

We hope this article helped you to understand the Instagram story viewer order and how you can use it to your advantage. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please let us know in the comment section below. Thank you for reading and happy Instagramming! 😊

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