Why Am I Getting Ads On Spotify Premium

Why Am I Getting Ads On Spotify Premium?

If you are a Spotify Premium user, you might be wondering why you are still getting ads on some podcasts or songs. You paid for an ad-free experience, right? So why are you hearing ads on Spotify premium?

In this article, we will explain the possible reasons why you are getting ads on Spotify premium and how to stop them. We will also answer some frequently asked questions about Spotify premium ads and give you some tips to enjoy your music without interruptions.

Why Am I Getting Ads On Spotify Premium Podcasts?

One of the reasons why you are getting ads on Spotify premium podcasts is because some podcast creators have chosen to include ads in their episodes. These ads are not controlled by Spotify, but by the podcasters themselves. They use these ads to generate revenue and support their work.

Spotify does not remove these ads for premium users, because they respect the podcasters’ creative choices and agreements with their sponsors. Spotify also does not want to interfere with the podcasters’ relationship with their listeners.

However, not all podcasts have ads on Spotify premium. Some podcasters have opted to make their episodes ad-free for premium users. You can check if a podcast has ads or not by looking at the lock icon next to the episode title. A locked icon means that the episode is ad-free for premium users, while an unlocked icon means that the episode has ads for everyone.

Why Am I Still Getting Ads On Spotify Premium?

Another reason why you are still getting ads on Spotify premium is because of some technical issues that might affect your account, your device, or the Spotify app. Here are some of the common problems that might cause you to hear ads on Spotify premium and how to fix them:

Account Issues:

Sometimes, your account might not be recognized as a premium account by Spotify. This could happen if you have multiple accounts, if you recently upgraded to premium, or if your payment method failed. To solve this, you can try logging out and logging back in, checking your subscription status, updating your payment details, or contacting Spotify support.

Device Syncing Problems:

Sometimes, your device might not sync properly with your account and show you ads even if you are a premium user. This could happen if you use Spotify on multiple devices, if you have offline mode enabled, or if you have a poor internet connection. To solve this, you can try restarting your device, switching to online mode, clearing your cache, or reinstalling the app.

Spotify Premium Ad Script:

Sometimes, you might hear a Spotify premium ad script that sounds like an ad, but is actually a part of the song or podcast. This is a rare occurrence, but it can happen if the artist or podcaster intentionally added a Spotify premium ad script to their content. To solve this, you can try skipping to the next song or episode, or finding a different version of the content.

Server Glitches:

Sometimes, you might hear ads on Spotify premium because of a temporary glitch on Spotify’s servers. This is a very rare occurrence, but it can happen if Spotify is experiencing high traffic, maintenance, or technical difficulties. To solve this, you can try waiting for a few minutes, checking Spotify’s status page, or reporting the issue to Spotify.

Ad-Blockers Interference:

Sometimes, you might hear ads on Spotify premium because of an ad-blocker that is interfering with the app. This is a very unlikely occurrence, but it can happen if you have an ad-blocker installed on your device or browser that is blocking Spotify’s premium features. To solve this, you can try disabling or uninstalling the ad-blocker, whitelisting Spotify, or using a different device or browser.

Regional Restrictions:

Sometimes, you might hear ads on Spotify premium because of the regional restrictions that apply to some content. This is a very uncommon occurrence, but it can happen if you are traveling to a different country or using a VPN that changes your location. To solve this, you can try changing your country settings, disabling the VPN, or using a different content provider.

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How To Stop Ads On Spotify Premium?

If none of the above reasons apply to you, and you are still getting ads on Spotify premium, you might be wondering how to stop them.

Here are some of the ways you can avoid or skip ads on Spotify premium:

Fast Forward:

One of the easiest ways to skip ads on Spotify premium is to fast forward through them. You can do this by tapping or dragging the progress bar to the end of the ad. This will skip the ad and resume your music or podcast. However, this method might not work for some ads that are embedded in the content or that have a fixed duration.

“Skip Ads” Button:

Another way to skip ads on Spotify premium is to use the “skip ads” button that appears on some ads. You can do this by tapping the button when it shows up on the screen. This will skip the ad and resume your music or podcast. However, this method might not work for some ads that do not have a skip option or that have a limited number of skips.

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Download & Listen Offline:

Another way to avoid ads on Spotify premium is to download your music or podcasts and listen to them offline. You can do this by tapping the download button next to the content you want to save.

This will download the content to your device and allow you to listen to it without ads or internet connection. However, this method might not work for some content that is not available for download or that has a limited download period.

Curate a Playlist of Ad-Free Podcasts:

Another way to avoid ads on Spotify premium podcasts is to curate a playlist of ad-free podcasts. You can do this by searching for podcasts that have a lock icon next to their episodes and adding them to your playlist.

This will create a playlist of podcasts that are ad-free for premium users and allow you to listen to them without ads. However, this method might not work for some podcasts that are not ad-free or that have a limited number of episodes.

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Here are some of the frequently asked questions about ads on Spotify premium and their answers:

Q: How much does Spotify premium cost?

A: Spotify premium costs $9.99 per month for an individual plan, $14.99 per month for a family plan, $4.99 per month for a student plan, and $5.99 per month for a duo plan. You can also get a free trial for 30 days or a discounted offer for 3 months.

Q: How do I cancel Spotify premium?

A: To cancel Spotify premium, you need to log in to your account page, click on your subscription, click on change or cancel, click on cancel premium, and confirm. You will still have access to your premium features until the end of your billing cycle, after which you will revert to the free version of Spotify.

Q: How do I contact Spotify support?

A: To contact Spotify support, you can visit their help page, choose a topic and a subtopic, and click on the contact us button. You can also reach them via email, chat, phone, or social media.

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We hope this article has helped you understand why you are getting ads on Spotify premium and how to stop them. Spotify premium is a great service that offers you an ad-free experience, but sometimes you might encounter some ads due to various reasons. If you follow the tips and solutions we provided, you should be able to enjoy your music or podcasts without interruptions.

If you liked this article, please share it with your friends and family who might also be wondering why they are getting ads on Spotify premium. And if you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you.

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